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2/11/2015 – CrossFit Alloy WOD-Gymnastics-Olympic Lifting

By February 10, 20154 Comments

Our 6-week gymnastics seminar is coming to an end next week.  The members who participated have had nothing but great things to say about Mark Freeman and the Freeman Technique, LLC.  This first program was dedicated to mastering the kipping pullup, and we have seen the progress translate into regular class.  We have had requests to do another 6-week program dedicated to achieving and/or perfecting the Muscle Up.  The seminar’s offering is based on interest.  So, if you are interested in participating in the next program, make sure you tell a coach.  The program will stay on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.

CrossFit Class at 6:30pm will be canceled today.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/11/2015

Tabata Plank Hold on elbows
High Rack Position
Banded shoulder mobility (Facing pullup rig, side to the rig, back to the rig)
Banded wrist mobility (step in band, move arm to high rack, place elbow over bar)

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Pushups
8 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)

Post Rounds to Comments

6:30pm – Mastering the Kipping Pullups with Freeman Technique, LLC

7:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club 

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    30 Double Unders
    15 Pushups
    8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    20 Double Unders (attempts count) or 60 Single Unders
    10 Pushups (may be from knees)
    6 Hang Power Cleans (115-95/75-65)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    50 Single Unders
    10 Pushups (may be from knees and/or ab mat under chest)
    6 Hang Power Cleans (75/55)

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    30 Double Unders
    15 Pushups
    8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    20 Double Unders (attempts count) or 60 Single Unders
    10 Pushups (may be from knees)
    6 Hang Power Cleans (115-95/75-65)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
    50 Single Unders
    10 Pushups (may be from knees and/or ab mat under chest)
    6 Hang Power Cleans (75/55)

  • JoeD says:

    Steel/Brass: 6 rounds plus 35. Did 20 D-U’s per round (first time with no single unders for an entire WOD), did 15 push-ups per round and 6 hang power cleans at 115 lbs. with all 6 reps unbroken for all rounds. Two of my rounds included 20 double unders unbroken – a new PR for Joe D!

  • JoeD says:

    Steel/Brass: 6 rounds plus 35. Did 20 D-U’s per round (first time with no single unders for an entire WOD), did 15 push-ups per round and 6 hang power cleans at 115 lbs. with all 6 reps unbroken for all rounds. Two of my rounds included 20 double unders unbroken – a new PR for Joe D!