As CrossFitters, we train to be better at general physical activities. But, all of this fitness might go to waste if we never use it for something. So, here is a way to test your fitness: The Pittsburgh Great Race.
Every year, Pittsburgh hosts a road race called the Great Race. You can either run a 10k or a 5k trail that starts in Oakland and ends in Point Park. Looking at the registration, all slots for the 10k have filled. However, there are still spots available for the 5k. This year’s race is on September 29, 2013. The Great Race is a fantastic way to get together with your fellow Industrial Athletics athletes and express your fitness as a team. When we say this Race is huge, we mean it. An estimated 34,000 people will run the Great Race this year.
If you would like to be part of the Industrial Athletics/CrossFit Alloy team, leave a comment below. For more information and registration details, GO HERE.
I am signed up for the 10k! This truly is a GREAT Race and if you have not done a 5k official race yet, this is a good first one! The 5k course goes from Oakland into downtown and pretty much is all downhill or flat (one small hill on the Blvd of Allies).
I am already signed up for the 10k too! I would like to join the Crossfit Alloy Team if possible. I have done this race for years and it is enjoyable running through our GREAT city of Pittsburgh!
I’m already signed up for the 10K too! Looking forward to sporting my CrossFit Alloy shirt and running for our box!