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Announcement: New Olympic Lifting Class Time

By February 12, 2014No Comments

Dustin Greene, our Olympic lifting coach, has added a new Olympic lifting class time to help accommodate our members.  The new class time will go in effect on Friday, February 21, 2014, and  will be Friday nights from 6:30 to 7:30pm.    If you have not yet attended an Olympic lifting class, you are missing out on a chance to work with a great coach and experienced Olympic lifter.  Dustin, from Greene Barbell Club, spends his hours breaking down the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.  He works on each lift’s individual parts and gives you drills to practice perfecting your movement.  With this added class time, Olympic lifting classes are held at Industrial Athletics at the following times:

Wednesday:  7:30-8:30pm

Friday:  6:30-7:30pm

Sunday:  11am-noon

There is an additional cost for the Olympic lifting classes.  Because Dustin is a private business owner bringing Greene Barbell Club to Industrial Athletics, a one month membership to the Olympic lifting class costs $50.  Please make payments directly to Dustin.