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Athlete of the Month for August 2015

Choosing the Athlete of the Month for August 2015 brings us a great deal of joy, but also sadness.  This member has been with us for a couple of years.  He habitually shows up almost every morning for the 6:15am class, attends social events with the gym, and represents us at local competitions.  We remember when he first started CrossFit and could barely overhead press because his shoulders were so tight.  However, through a lot of extra work done on his own time and during classes, he has become one of the best movers at Industrial Athletics.

Sadly, he will be leaving us in August.  Moving on to bigger and better things, he accepted a position within his company that will take him away from Pennsylvania.  We wish him the best of luck in his new job, new city, and new CrossFit Box.

We will miss you!

The Athlete of the Month for August 2015 is:


1.      Where are you from originally?

Born and raised in Munhall, a suburb of Pittsburg.

2.     If not from Pittsburgh, what brought you to Pittsburgh? N/A

3.     Where do you work?

Federated Investors Inc.

4.     What is your favorite hobby?

I enjoy the outdoors. Snowboarding in the winter and Wakeboarding/boating in the summers

5.     How did you discover CrossFit?

My friend “BG” heard about it and we dropped into our first class at CrossFit Athletics to try it out. “Joe D” then told me about CrossFit Alloy opening on the Northside and I started Fundamentals

6.     When did you start CrossFit?

May 2013

7.     Why did you start CrossFit?

I played sports my whole life and always enjoyed weightlifting and running. I thought I could get in better shape.

8.     What is your favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

I like competing. Muscle Ups and Snatches when it comes to movements

9.     What is your least favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

Don’t dislike anything but Sumo Deadlift High Pulls if I had to pick

10.  What is the number 1 thing you want to get better at?

Olympic Lifting – snatch and clean and jerk

11.  What is your favorite part about coming to CrossFit at Industrial Athletics?

Working out with my friends and even sometimes my dad, is much more enjoyable than working out alone. I love that you can always get better at CrossFit day after day. Whether it is hitting a new PR, rowing a faster time or even improving your mobility, I’ve set and reached more goals over the past 2 years than I ever imagined.

12.  What is your favorite CrossFit WOD?

CrossFit Games Open WOD 14.4
