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Athlete of the Month for January 2016

It is time to announce the Athlete of the Month for January 2016 and the first Athlete of the Month for 2016.  This woman received the nomination from the coaches because, while relatively new to Industrial Athletics, she is a great example of an IA Community Member.  She attends classes on a consistent bases and utilizes Open Gyms to improve on her GOATS.  She is one of the strongest females at Industrial Athletics, but also finds time to cheer on everyone.  Even during a hard WOD, she can be heard shouting encouragement from across the gym.  One member recognized that she never seems to have a bad day because she is always so positive.  The Athlete of the Month for January 2016 is:


1.      Where are you from originally?

I’m originally from just outside Beckley, WV. 

2.     If not from Pittsburgh, what brought you to Pittsburgh?

I came up to Pittsburgh to live with my sister and her husband while I looked for a big kid job. 

3.     Where do you work?

Currently, I’m working at the ole Home Depot, but I’m headed back to the federal government at the beginning of February. 

4.     What is your favorite hobby?

CrossFit, of course. 

5.     How did you discover CrossFit?

I started CrossFit when a girl I used to work with opened a gym with her husband and another couple. I had tried going to the globo-gyms before but figured I’d give this a shot. And I was hooked. 

6.     When did you start CrossFit?

I started CrossFit in September 2013. 

7.     Why did you start CrossFit?

I initially started CrossFit because my friend had opened a new gym, and I really wanted to find an activity that I enjoyed and would stick with. 

8.     What is your favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

I heart deadlifts and back squats.  

9.     What is your least favorite thing to do in CrossFit?

Sumo deadlift highpulls (just typing it makes me unhappy). Hands down. 

10.  What is the number 1 thing you want to get better at?

Double unders. Always double unders. 

11.  What is your favorite part about coming to CrossFit at Industrial Athletics?

The community of people at Industrial is great! It’s always nice to come to workout where people are going to cheer you on regardless of how much weight you have on the bar. Everyone pushes you to do a little more but also recognizes that doing any of the WODs is an accomplishment.

I’m sad to say, January will be my last month before I move to start my big kid job. I will most definitely be back to drop in when I’m in Pittsburgh, though!! 

12.  What is your favorite CrossFit WOD?

Fight Gone Bad. I’m a fan of the variety and having a set amount of time for the movements. That way I know how much longer the pain will last 🙂
