Industrial Athletics – CrossFit
We have the athlete of the month WOD today. Kyle is our athlete of the month for January 2020. He worked with us to design this one. Make sure you pick a scale that allows you to get through the row quickly. Earn that 5 minute rest.
Want to learn more about Kyle?
Written interview:
Video interview:
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 500m
Max Effort Pullups in remaining time
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 500m
Max Effort Burpees in remaining time
Platinum: As written above. Pullups may be banded.
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 400m (keep row below 2:15)
Max Effort Pullups (may be banded) in remaining time
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 400m
Max Effort Burpees in remaining time
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 300m (keep row below 2:15)
Max Effort Ring Rows in remaining time
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Min:
Row 300m
Max Effort Burpees in remaining time