It is time for the Athlete of the Month WOD. Heather Mende is our Athlete of the Month for June 2018, and she helped design the workout. Want to learn more about Heather? See her live interview HERE, and her online interview HERE.
The barbell weight should be heavy, but manageable today. The Cleans should be in 2-3 sets, but try to do the Jerks unbroken. You don’t want to have to clean the bar to your shoulders more than it is necessary.
Industrial Athletics WOD for 6/27/2018:
3 Rounds for Time:
20 BJ (24/20)
10 Power Cleans
10 Push Jerks
1 Lot Sprint
*Clean and Jerk weight should be 55% of max clean or 60% of Jerk, whichever is greater
6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Forged Steel Weightlifting Club