On The Brink
In addition to our benchmark WODs, we will be doing two other noteworthy workouts this month. Each year we do “On the Brink” to celebrate the life of one of our beloved Coaches who passed away in August, 2020. David Brinker was a lively coach who made all of the athletes better with his infectious personality and hardworking coaching style.
Wedding WOD
August will also be the first time we do a Wedding WOD! We have three couples who are all getting hitched within a few weeks of each other. At the end of the month we will have a workout to honor and celebrate their unities. Let’s think of it as a wedding reception at the gym!
The heavy lifts for the month will include the Overhead Squat and the Clean & Jerk. You can already anticipate seeing a lot of overhead work leading into the month. Both of the lifts include upper body strength and mobility in the shoulders. Although similar, each lift does use slightly different muscle groups. Over the course of the month, expect to see helpful techniques and tips to prepare for the retest lift at the end of the month.
The cardio movement for August will be our burpee test. You will have the opportunity to finish 100, or as many burpees as you can in 8 min. We know that burpees are not always a crowd favorite but they are a functional movement that we use very often in CrossFit and in everyday life!
The benchmark workouts for the month of August will be Diane and Nutts. Diane is a fast burner with deadlifts and handstand pushups, whereas Nutts is, well, just that!