Therapy has grown in popularity over the last few years. It helps to provide a safe space for individuals battling mental health issues. This gives them an opportunity to open up and be vulnerable. It is a way for people to get the help they need through coping mechanisms. Therapy provides many benefits to those who seek it. This month we will be unpacking some of the benefits of therapy. We will discuss how and why therapy can be so helpful.
The Right Therapist
Before diving into the benefits of therapy, it is important to note that finding a therapist is a major part of the process. Seeking out a therapist that makes you feel comfortable and that you can connect with is key. This will allow for better chances of receiving benefits. Chemistry must be there between the therapist and patient. There is nothing wrong with trying therapist, finding out the chemistry is off, and switching therapists. Therapy itself may not be the issue, rather the therapist and patient connection. Finding the right therapist is often most important when looking for optimal benefits in therapy.
Coping Mechanisms
The first benefit of therapy that we will discuss is the development of healthy coping mechanisms. Seeing a therapist helps to develop problem solving abilities. Practical and supportive ways to manage stress and other difficulties throughout life are provided through therapy. These are things that can be learned in therapy and utilized after therapy stops. This provides a long-term benefit to therapy.
Support System
Therapy can also provide a support system that provides people with an opportunity to talk through what they are going through. This can be very helpful for those dealing with thoughts of self-harm. This can be a way to create a safety plan. There are instances of self-harm that should be treated as emergencies. Therapy can be a way to develop a plan of action that involves support from family and friends in a crisis. Therapy is a way to get these thoughts out without judgement. Having the support system of a therapist can help someone express these thoughts to loved ones in the future.
Navigating Your Thoughts
Therapy provides the ability to address how specific thought patterns may cause harm. Holding a low opinion of oneself and unworthy of love are common for many battling mental illness. These thoughts are not true, but they can be hard to overcome. Therapy can help someone to identify these thoughts as inaccurate. It can also help develop behaviors based on a realistic outlook. Talking through these feelings and thoughts can be helpful to change the narrative inside one’s mind to something more positive.
Therapy can help in overall improvements in health. According to the American Psychological Association, 75% of those participating in therapy stated they received some benefit out of it. At the end of therapy, individuals found their mental health symptoms improved 80% more than those who did not receive therapy. A 2016 study of people with mood or anxiety conditions showed that therapy also improves mental health over the long term. The participants in this study went to long-term psychotherapy. They had greater symptom improvement and improved workability at a 10-year follow-up. This is compared to those who attended short-term therapy. While long-term therapy showed a greater improvement, both offered lasting results. Therapy is a way to reduce symptoms of mental illness and create a better life moving forward.
Call To Action
Therapy is an established part of mental health treatment that many people attend for a variety of reasons. People could be navigating challenging life events, processing the death of a loved one, or developing better coping skills. There are also many other reasons that people seek out therapy. Most people who attend therapy receive benefits. If you have been thinking about going to therapy hopefully this newsletter has helped. Take the first step to start talking to someone to help you deal with whatever it is you are going through.