For the last couple of months, EMOM’s have been dedicated to olympic lifting movements. A great way to work on volume under load, EMOM’s give you a chance to work hard and then have a built in rest. Today, we are going to use the EMOM-style with two bodyweight movements. The box jumps will get your heart rate up. The Pullup reps are low enough to allow our athletes to work on a “harder” pullup progression.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/3/2015:
Back Squats:
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes:
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (85%)
EMOM 14 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 5 Box Jumps (30/24)
8 Pullups
Min 5: Rest
Min 6-9: 5 Jump Over Boxes (24/20)
5 Chest to Bar Pullups
Min 10: Rest
Min 11-14: 5 Lateral Boxes (24/20)
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Post Weight to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
EMOM 14 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 5 Box Jumps (30/24)
5 Pullups
Min 5: Rest
Min 6-9: 5 Jump Over Boxes (24/20)
3 Chest to Bar Pullups
Min 10: Rest
Min 11-14: 5 Lateral Boxes (24/20)
1 Bar Muscle Ups
EMOM 14 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 5 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Pullups (banded)
Min 5: Rest
Min 6-9: 5 Jump Over Boxes (24/20)
5 Chest to Bar Pullups (banded)
Min 10: Rest
Min 11-14: 5 Lateral Boxes (24/20)
3 Chest to Bar Pullups (banded)
EMOM 14 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 5 Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
8 Ring Rows
Min 5: Rest
Min 6-9: 5 Jump Over Boxes (20/Short Box)
5 Jumping Pullups
Min 10: Rest
Min 11-14: 5 Lateral Boxes (20/Short Box)
1 Banded Pullup
Platinum with strict pull-ups, CTB and bar M-U’s (without assistance).
Thanks for the extra motivation, Jimmy C!
30 inch Box Jumps rule!!!