On Monday, we broke the Clean and Jerk down into individual lifts: the power clean, front squat, and push jerk. Utilizing the front squat in the clean allows the athlete to pull the most weight off of the ground. Yesterday, we worked on our front squat weight to get more comfortable with our front squats, and also to develop squat strength. Today, we are going to take the skills we developed Monday, and the strength we developed yesterday to work on clean and jerk progressions. This should not be max effort and should not rise above 75% of your 1 rep max, if you know what that is.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/7/2015:
Olympic Lifting Accessory Work:
5 Min each:
1. Work up to 1 Heavy Power Clean and Push Jerk
2. Work up to 1 Heavy Squat Clean and Push Jerk
3. Work up to 1 Heavy Squat Clean and Split Jerk
(Note: Should be used as skill work)
AMRAP 12 Min:
7 Handstand Pushups (level/abmat)
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
30 Double Unders
Post Rounds to Comments
7:30pm – Olympic Lifting with the Greene Barbell Club
Platinum: As written above.
AMRAP 12 Min:
7 Handstand Pushups (abmat/raised target)
15 Deadlifts (185/125)
30 Double Unders
AMRAP 12 Min:
5 Handstand Pushups (Piked)
12 Deadlifts (155-135/105-95)
20 Double Unders or 50 Single Unders
AMRAP 12 Min:
5 DB Shoulder Press (35-20)
12 Deadlifts (115-95/75-65)
40 Single Unders
Steel: 4 rounds plus 7,