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Clean Complexes and Bent Over Rows for 12/8/2017

By December 7, 2017One Comment

We have something a little different today.  Our WOD starts with a clean complex.  Once you pick up the barbell, try not to put it down until you have completed the full complex.  We are working on the skill of our squat cleans and our strength/endurance at the same time.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 12/8/2017:

WOD #1:
Every 90 Sec x 7
1 HP Clean (70-75% of max clean)
1 Front Squat
1 Squat clean

WOD #2:
AMRAP 5 Min:
Bent Over Rows (135/95)

6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Forged Steel Weightlifting Club 

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    WOD #1:
    Every 90 Sec x 7
    1 HP Clean (70-75% of max clean)
    1 Front Squat
    1 Squat clean

    WOD #2:
    AMRAP 5 Min:
    Bent Over Rows (115/75)

    WOD #1:
    Every 90 Sec x 7
    1 HP Clean (70-75% of max clean)
    1 Front Squat
    1 Hang Squat clean

    WOD #2:
    AMRAP 5 Min:
    Bent Over Rows (95/55)

    WOD #1:
    Every 90 Sec x 7
    1 HP Clean (70-75% of max clean)
    1 Front Squat
    1 Hang Power clean with Front Squat

    WOD #2:
    AMRAP 5 Min:
    Bent Over Rows (75/55)