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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/1/2014 and Olympic Lifting

By September 30, 20145 Comments

October is here!  This is the part of the year when we always feel that Fall has officially begun.  Halloween at the end of this month means scary movies on TV for the next 31 days, YAY!!!  Let’s start this one off with a bang.  Also, don’t forget to talk with your fellow members, you never know if he/she one of the 3 picked for the Challenge.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/1/2014:

10, 10, 10

5 Rounds for Reps
Minute 1:  30 Double Unders, then Back Squats or the remainder of the Minute (115/75)
Minute 2:  30 Double Unders, then Toes to Bar for the remainder of the Minute
Rest 90 Seconds at Minutes 3
Note:  Back Squats must be pulled from the ground

Post Weight and Total Reps to Comments

7:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    5 Rounds for Reps
    Minute 1: 30 Double Unders, then Back Squats or the remainder of the Minute (95/65)
    Minute 2: 30 Double Unders, then Toes to Bar for the remainder of the Minute
    Rest 90 Seconds at Minutes 3
    Note: Back Squats must be pulled from the ground

    5 Rounds for Reps
    Minute 1: 20 Double Unders or 60 Singles, then Back Squats or the remainder of the Minute (75/55)
    Minute 2: 20 Double Unders or 60 singles, then Knees To Elbows for the remainder of the Minute
    Rest 90 Seconds at Minutes 3
    Note: Back Squats must be pulled from the ground

    5 Rounds for Reps
    Minute 1: 45 Single Unders, then Back Squats or the remainder of the Minute (55/35)
    Minute 2: 45 Single Unders, then Sit Ups for the remainder of the Minute
    Rest 90 Seconds at Minutes 3
    Note: Back Squats must be pulled from the ground

  • JoeD says:

    Deadlift (10 reps): 225 lbs.

    WOD: Started at Platinum but then encountered trouble with the D-U’s. So, I switched to singles (90 reps 1st round and then 60 reps for rounds thereafter) but kept the weight for back squats at 115 lbs. Total number of reps: 78.

  • Jake says:

    Deadlifts – 275lbs

    Platinum – 116 total reps

  • Jake says:

    Deadlifts – 275lbs

    Platinum – 116 total reps

  • Rafa says:

    DL – 215 lbs.
    RX – 85 total reps. finally starting to string DUs together…