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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/27/2014

By October 26, 20145 Comments

Thank you to everyone who came to our Halloween Party and participated in our October Challenge.  There was a lot of thought and effort put into the costumes, the food was great, and the company was perfect.  If you missed it, make sure you come next year.

This is the last week of October, so make sure you push hard through the last week of the October Strength Program.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/27/2014:


Split Jerks
1, 1, 1, 1, 1


4 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Calorie Row
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Double Unders
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Deadlifts (155/105)
30 Sec Rest

Post Weight and Total Reps to Comments

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Double Unders
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (135/95)
    30 Sec Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Tuck Jumps
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (115/75)
    30 Sec Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (95-75/65-55)
    30 Sec Rest

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Double Unders
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (135/95)
    30 Sec Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Tuck Jumps
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (115/75)
    30 Sec Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Calorie Row
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Deadlifts (95-75/65-55)
    30 Sec Rest

  • Jake says:

    1RM Split Jerk – 225 lbs

    Platinum – 329 reps

  • Jake says:

    1RM Split Jerk – 225 lbs

    Platinum – 329 reps

  • JoeD says:

    1 RM Split Jerk: 125 lbs.

    Platinum – 125 reps (wasn’t able to string D-U’s this morning).

    Impressive number, Jake!