November is here. We are officially into the Fall and Winter is right around the corner. As we did last year, we will continue to run outside for as long as we possibly can. This means it will be dark during our morning and evening classes. This also means the people in the morning classes may be running outside when it is particularly chilly. Please check the weather and plan to bring layers.
CrossFit Alloy WODs for 11/1/2014:
10:00am – CrossFit Competition WOD – designed for those at a competition level
Strength Complex:
3 Rounds for Weight
1x Shoulder Press
2x Push Press
3x Push Jerk
For Time:
Row 1000m
20 Handstand Pushups (45/25) (May be Kipped)
Row 500m
15 Handstand Pushups
Row 250m
5 Handstand Pushups
11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class
Row 1000m
then . . .
15, 12, 9
Handstand Pushups
Deadlifts (225/155)
then . . .
Row 500m
12:30 – Yoga with Janna