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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 1/12/2015: CrossFit Total

By January 11, 20154 Comments

We have two upcoming events this week.  First, we have the pullup seminar with Freeman Technique, LLC starting on Wednesday at 6:30pm.  The course lasts for 6 weeks.  If you want to learn the proper way to do a kipping pullup, and gain some extremely valuable body awareness, make sure you sign up.  Also, this Saturday is the Gaynor School of Cooking event.  The event will start at 6pm.

We are almost halfway through the first month of 2015.  So, let’s do a classic CrossFit “test” WOD:  CrossFit Total.  To give everyone the chance to lift as heavy as possible, we will be moving our Monday Strength Program to Friday this week.   The CrossFit Total was the original heavy lifting test WOD.  The three movements are the three lifts performed in Power Lifting and test an athletes brute strength.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 1/12/2015:

“CrossFit Total”
Max Effort 1 Rep Back Squat
Max Effort 1 Rep Shoulder Press
Max Effort 1 Rep Deadlift

Post Weight for each lift to Comments


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: Everyone is a big dawg for this wod. Everyone will get 10 minutes to establish one rep max efforts for each lift. If class size requires it, 1/2 of the class will start on back squats while the other half starts on shoulder press. Back squats will be done on the platform. Shoulder press will be done on the pullup rig where athletes will be permitted to lift over 95 lbs without the concern of bailing the weight.

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: Everyone is a big dawg for this wod. Everyone will get 10 minutes to establish one rep max efforts for each lift. If class size requires it, 1/2 of the class will start on back squats while the other half starts on shoulder press. Back squats will be done on the platform. Shoulder press will be done on the pullup rig where athletes will be permitted to lift over 95 lbs without the concern of bailing the weight.

  • Jake says:

    CrossFit Total: 905 lbs (335, 175, 395)

  • Jake says:

    CrossFit Total: 905 lbs (335, 175, 395)