Some members have been inquiring about the Thanksgiving day WOD and Black Friday. Also, for those who are newer to our Industrial Athletics Community, we will be doing 1 WOD on Thanksgiving. It will be a 4 person team wod at 9:00am ONLY. Please make plans to attend. As for Black Friday, right now, we are planning an Open Gym day for those off of work who wish to get in a workout.
It is day 2 of the November Strength Program. We will continue to squat this month, but add a slight twist.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/5/2014:
Snatch Balance
8, 8, 8, 8
Note: You may dip and drive
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols
30 Sec Rest
Post Strength and Reps to Comments
7:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbel Club
Platinum: As written above.
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols Progressions
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (55/35)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Air Squats
30 Sec Rest
Platinum: As written above.
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols Progressions
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (55/35)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Air Squats
30 Sec Rest
Snatch Balance: 75 lbs. (8 reps)
Platinum: 165 reps (did all pull-ups strict).
Thanks for pushing me Steve a/k/a “Ox”!
Snatch Balance: 75 lbs. (8 reps)
Platinum: 165 reps (did all pull-ups strict).
Thanks for pushing me Steve a/k/a “Ox”!