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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/5/2014 and Olympic Lifting

By November 4, 20144 Comments

Some members have been inquiring about the Thanksgiving day WOD and Black Friday.  Also, for those who are newer to our Industrial Athletics Community, we will be doing 1 WOD on Thanksgiving.  It will be a 4 person team wod at 9:00am ONLY.  Please make plans to attend.  As for Black Friday, right now, we are planning an Open Gym day for those off of work who wish to get in a workout.

It is day 2 of the November Strength Program.  We will continue to squat this month, but add a slight twist.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/5/2014:

Snatch Balance
8, 8, 8, 8
Note:  You may dip and drive

3 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pullups
30 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pistols
30 Sec Rest

Post Strength and Reps to Comments

7:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbel Club

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pistols
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pistols Progressions
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (55/35)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Air Squats
    30 Sec Rest

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pistols
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (75/55)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pistols Progressions
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Hang Power Cleans (55/35)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Lateral Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pullups
    30 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Air Squats
    30 Sec Rest

  • JoeD says:

    Snatch Balance: 75 lbs. (8 reps)

    Platinum: 165 reps (did all pull-ups strict).

    Thanks for pushing me Steve a/k/a “Ox”!

  • JoeD says:

    Snatch Balance: 75 lbs. (8 reps)

    Platinum: 165 reps (did all pull-ups strict).

    Thanks for pushing me Steve a/k/a “Ox”!