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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 4/29/2014 and Marathon

Announcement:  Industrial Athletics, the Home of CrossFit Alloy will be setting up a cheering section for the Pittsburgh Marathon this Sunday, May 4th.  We have a number of athletes running in the 1/2 Marathon, full Marathon, and relay.  We will keep you posted on what time we plan to meet after we talk with our runners.  We typically meet at the gym and walk over.  Make sure you check road closures so you know how to get to us.  Also, wear your IA gear so that runners will have an easy time finding us.

CrossFit Alloy WOD 4/29/2014:

Snatch Balance
2, 2, 2, 2, 2
note:  A predip before dropping below the bar is coach’s preference

Max Rounds in 20 Min:
Add 1 rep per round
1 Ground to Overhead (185/125)
1 Muscle Up

This wod is not an EMOM or a Death By.  With a clock running for 20 min, you will complete as many rounds as possible.  So, think of it as an AMRAP.  The difference is that you add a rep of each movement each round.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    Max Rounds in 20 Min:
    Add 1 rep per round
    1 Ground to Overhead (155/105)
    1 Muscle Up (may on a Bar) (no Assistance)

    Max Rounds in 20 Min:
    Add 1 rep per round
    1 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
    1 Chest to Bar Pullups (may be assisted)

    Max Rounds in 20 Min:
    Add 1 rep per round
    1 Ground to Overhead (95-75/65-55)
    1 Assisted Pullups

  • JoeD says:

    Snatch Balance: 115 lbs.

    Main WOD: Did a true “Alloy” work-out this morning since I blended various parts as follows:

    Reps 1 – 3: 115 lbs. Ground to Overhead with strict ring muscle-ups
    Reps 4 – 6: 95 lbs. G-T-O with strict bar muscle-ups
    Round 7: 95 lbs. G-T-O with assisted bar muscle-ups (red band)

    Jack: Great job this morning and thanks for partnering up with me!
    Jake: Good pace throughout the WOD.
    B.G.: Liked that you squeezed in the last ring M-U before time was called.

  • Jake says:

    GTO (115lbs) and Ring Muscle Ups – 8 rounds plus 4