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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 6/23/2014

REMINDER:  Our next pot luck cookout is this coming Saturday, June 28th.  The WOD will start at 9am and we will run heats until everyone gets in a workout.  Then, we will begin the cookout.  Everyone is asked to bring his or her favorite dish, side, or drink to share with everyone.  We will also have a grill for cooking.  There is a sign-up sheet on the main table.  Please sign up if you plan to attend.  If you plan to bring something, please write it down as well.  We need to know attendance for the WOD and what food to expect.

CrossFit Alloy WOD For 6/22/2014:


Developing strength in the top of the Ring Dip

Max hold for time in 5 attempts:

Jump to the top of the ring dip and hold as long as possible.


For Time:
Row 1000m
40 Box Jumps (30/24)
3 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (1.25/0.75)
30 Ski Jumpers


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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    40 Box Jumps (30/24)
    3 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (1.00/0.5)
    30 Ski Jumpers

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    40 Box Jumps (24/20)
    3 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (1.00/0.5)
    30 Ski Jumpers

    For Time:
    Row 500m
    30 Box Jumps (20/short box)
    2 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (0.75/0.5 or less)
    20 Ski Jumpers

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    40 Box Jumps (30/24)
    3 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (1.00/0.5)
    30 Ski Jumpers

    For Time:
    Row 1000m
    40 Box Jumps (24/20)
    3 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (1.00/0.5)
    30 Ski Jumpers

    For Time:
    Row 500m
    30 Box Jumps (20/short box)
    2 Farmers Carry Stair Climbs w/ Kettle Bell (0.75/0.5 or less)
    20 Ski Jumpers

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum/Rx: 14:30 (or thereabouts) 30 inch box jumps are always fun! Completed 1000 m row in 4:02.

    Rings Dip holds: 100 seconds (1:40) for 1st set; 45 seconds for each of the next 4 sets. Major burn in the chest!

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum/Rx: 14:30 (or thereabouts) 30 inch box jumps are always fun! Completed 1000 m row in 4:02.

    Rings Dip holds: 100 seconds (1:40) for 1st set; 45 seconds for each of the next 4 sets. Major burn in the chest!