Usually we have a day between our heavy lifting. But, since this is a short week, we had to start September’s strength program yesterday and continue it today. The last strength day of the week will be Friday, where we add weight to various movements or work on progressions for some of our regular lifts.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 9/3/2014:
Push Jerk
8, 8, 8
For Time:
Row 500m
50 KB Swings (1.5/1)
20 Muscle Ups
Post Weight and Time to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
For Time:
Row 500m
50 KB Swings (1.5/1)
15 Bar Muscle Ups
For Time:
Row 500m
40 KB Swings (1.25/0.75)
15 Chest to Bar Pullups (may be banded)
15 Pushups
For Time:
Row 300m
30 KB Swings (1.0/0.5)
12 Jumping Pullups/Ring Rows
12 Pushups
Push Jerk – 135lbs
Platinum – 11:10
Push Jerk – 115 lbs.
Platinum – 13:06 with 20 strict muscle-ups. Great job Jake & BG with going Platinum too!
Push Jerk – 185 lbs
RX – 8:32
Push Jerk – 185 lbs
RX – 8:32