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CrossFit Alloy WOD for 5/14/2015

We will be having a special WOD on Memorial Day, May 25th.  The only WOD time that day will start at 9:30am.  We will be doing the hero WOD Murph.  This will be a big class, so come prepared to WOD with a lot of people.  There will be no cookout this year to follow.  We know that almost everyone has the day off.  Come WOD, enjoy our Community and enjoy the rest of your day.

For today, Pistols return.

Also, we continue the skill work for the month.  Last week, we did slow and controlled presses below the bar as we dropped into an overhead squat.  Today, we start to add speed with snatch balances.  The idea is to drive yourself the below the bar with enough speed that you hit the bottom of the squat at the same time the bar is locked out overhead.  Once again, this isn’t for weight.  You can add some weight, but make sure you are working on perfecting the movement, not lifting a lot of weight.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 5/14/2015:

Snatch Balance
3, 3, 3, 3, 3

As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
10 Pistols
5 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
Rest 4 Minutes
As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
6 Pistols
3 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)

Post Rounds for Each AMRAP to Comments

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Pistols
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    4 Pistols
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Pistol (progressions)
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (115-95/75-65)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    4 Pistols
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (135-115/95-75)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    8 Air Squats
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (75-55/55-35)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Air Squats
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (95-75/65-55)

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Pistols
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    4 Pistols
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Pistol (progressions)
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (115-95/75-65)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    4 Pistols
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (135-115/95-75)

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    8 Air Squats
    5 Shoulder to Overhead (75-55/55-35)
    Rest 4 Minutes
    As Many Rounds as Possible in 6 Minutes:
    6 Air Squats
    3 Shoulder to Overhead (95-75/65-55)