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CrossFit Alloy WOD for Olympic Lifting for 2/6/2015

By February 5, 20157 Comments

It is the first Friday in February.  The Fundamentals Class is over half way done after today.  That means we will soon be adding new people to our wonderful CrossFit Community.  If you see a new face, make sure you say hello.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/6/2015:

Weight Pistols
2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (1 per leg)
Note:  Work up to Max Weight

3 Rounds for Reps
1 Min Toes to Bar
30 Sec Rest
1 Min Ring Dips
30 Sec Rest
1 Min Situps
30 Sec Rest
1 Min Hand Release Pushups
30 Sec Rest

6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club

Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Toes to Bar
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Ring Dips (jump to support/negative)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Hand Release Pushups
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Hanging Leg Raises
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Hand Release Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Lying Leg Raises
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees with Ab Mat under chest)
    30 Sec Rest

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Toes to Bar
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Ring Dips (jump to support/negative)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Hand Release Pushups
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Hanging Leg Raises
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Hand Release Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps
    1 Min Lying Leg Raises
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees)
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Situps
    30 Sec Rest
    1 Min Pushups (may be from knees with Ab Mat under chest)
    30 Sec Rest

  • Jake says:

    weighted pistols – 3/4 pood

    platinum – 288 reps

  • Jake says:

    weighted pistols – 3/4 pood

    platinum – 288 reps

  • JoeD says:

    weighted pistols: 1 pood plus 2.5 lbs.

    Platinum: 283 (Round 1: 100; Round 2: 94; Round 3: 89) with strict toes to bar and strict ring dips.

  • JoeD says:

    weighted pistols: 1 pood plus 2.5 lbs.

    Platinum: 283 (Round 1: 100; Round 2: 94; Round 3: 89) with strict toes to bar and strict ring dips.

  • JoeD says:

    weighted pistols: 1 pood plus 2.5 lbs.

    Platinum: 283 (Round 1: 100; Round 2: 94; Round 3: 89) with strict toes to bar and strict ring dips.