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CrossFit Alloy WOD and Road Warrior Bootcamp for 2/17/2015

By February 16, 20156 Comments

Don’t forget that we are having an introduction to CrossFit and Yoga on February 28, 2015.  This event will be different than our “bring a friend” days from the past.  For this even, there will be an introduction to CrossFit and a short workout.  Then, we will hear from our Yoga instructors Amanda and Janna as they discuss how Yoga as a practice is a good compliment to CrossFit.  After some movements of Vinyasa flow Yoga, we will talk about some nutrition and finish with a social hour.  The event is ideal for those who want an introduction to CrossFit or want to see how Yoga can be an ideal supplement.  For more information, and to reserve your ticket, check out the listing on Eventbrite HERE.

10:00am – Road Warrior Bootcamps with Vanessa Matthews

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/17/2015:

Ring Dip Practice
3 rnds for Quality
Beginner:  10 Jumping Ring Dip Negatives
Intermediate:  10 Ring Dips with Feet Elevated on a Box
Advanced:  Max Effort Strict Ring Dips
Then . . .
2 rnds for Quality
Max Effort Static Ring Dip Hold at Lockout

Alternating Death By:
Min 1:  Power Snatch (95/65)
Min 2:  4x Double Unders
Example:  Minute 1, 1 Snatch.  Minute 2, 8 Double Unders.  Minute 3, 3 Snatches.  Minute 4, 12 Doubles Unders . . .

Post Final Minute Fully Completed to Comments

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (95/65)
    Min 2: 3x Double Unders

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (75/55)
    Min 2: 2x Double Unders (attempts count) or 2x Tuck Jumps

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (55/35)
    Min 2: 1x Tuck Jumps

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (95/65)
    Min 2: 3x Double Unders

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (75/55)
    Min 2: 2x Double Unders (attempts count) or 2x Tuck Jumps

    Alternating Death By:
    Min 1: Power Snatch (55/35)
    Min 2: 1x Tuck Jumps

  • JoeD says:

    Max effort strict ring dips: 12
    Max time for static ring hold: 50 seconds

    Brass: Completed Minute 13 round of snatches and Minute 14 of tuck jumps, but failed on Minute 15 of snatches (only completed 11 reps).

  • JoeD says:

    Max effort strict ring dips: 12
    Max time for static ring hold: 50 seconds

    Brass: Completed Minute 13 round of snatches and Minute 14 of tuck jumps, but failed on Minute 15 of snatches (only completed 11 reps).

  • Jake says:

    max strict ring dips: 16
    mas ring hold: 30 sec

    Platinum: 12 + 7

  • Jake says:

    max strict ring dips: 16
    mas ring hold: 30 sec

    Platinum: 12 + 7