Don’t forget that our Saturday schedule is changing. Our competition class will start at 9:30am and run for an hour and a half. We are also adding a dedicated mobility class at 12:30pm.
9:30am – Competition Class – dedicated to our members who are preparing for or competing in CrossFit Competitions
WOD 1:
7 Min:
Max Effort Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Jerk Complex
Rest 10 Minutes
WOD 2:
AMRAP 7 Min:
20 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
10 Jump over Boxes (24/20)
Rest 10 Minutes
WOD 3:
For Time:
Row 750m
20 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
30 Pullups
40 Burpees
11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class
For Time:
1 Stair Climb
21 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
1 Stair Climb
15 Clean and Jerk
1 Stair Climb
9 Clean and Jerk
12:00pm: Mobility Class
12:30pm – Yoga with Janna