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CrossFit Alloy Wods for 1/17/2015 and Yoga

By January 16, 2015No Comments

If you participate in all Industrial Athletics activities today, you are in for an entire day of fitness and fun.  Don’t forget that the cooking school is tonight at 6pm.  Here is the address:

Gaynor’s School of Cooking
309 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Want to check our Gaynor’s website?

CrossFit Alloy Wods for 1/17/2015:

9:30am – Competition Class

WOD #1
EMOM until Failure
Deadlift to Hang Power Clean
Men:  115, 145, 155, 175, 205, 225, 245, 275, 305
Women:  55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 175, 205
You will have 1 minutes to perform 1 rep at each weight
If you fail to complete the lift, you will have the remainder of the minute to perform max rep Double Unders

WOD #2
AMRAP 10 Minutes
1 Rope Climb
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Burpees
15 Squats

3 Rounds for Reps
30 Sec Deadlifts (115/75)
20 Sec Rest
30 Sec KB Swings (1.5/1)
20 Sec Rest
30 Sec Front Squats (115/75)
20 Sec Rest
30 Sec 1 Arm Snatches (1.5/1)

11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class

12 Minute Running Clock:
1 Min Squat Cleans (135/95)
1 Min Push Jerks
2 Min Squat Cleans (135/95)
2 Min Push Jerks
3 Min Squat Cleans (135/95)
3 Min Push Jerks

12:30pm – Yoga with Janna

6:00pm – Cooking Class at Gaynor’s School of Cooking