Saturdays are always exciting at Industrial Athletics. Last Saturday the competition class fought through a nasty 15 minute amrap with a repeating row for calories. Those who showed up to the 11am received an in depth review of the thruster and some pointers on how to drive more weight overhead. We can’t wait to see what today brings.
9:30am – CrossFit Competition Class
WOD #1
Max Effort Split Jerks in 10 Minutes
WOD #2
5 Rounds for Reps
1 Min Power Snatches (95/65)
1 Min Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Min Hang Power Snatches(95/65)
1 Min Rest
AMRAP 8 Minutes
3 Handstand Pushups (45/25)
6 Pistols
12 Double Unders
11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes:
4 Hang Power Snatches (115/75)
8 Pistols
16 Double Unders
1 Stair Climb
12:30pm – Yoga with Janna Leyde