The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/16/2013:
As Many Reps as Possible in 15 Minutes:
Wallballs (20/14)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Athletes will spend 1 minute on Wallballs. At the end of that minute, the Athlete will move to burpees, then to pullups, and repeat. This rotation will continue for 15 minutes. Keep a continuous count of reps.
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For the most part, everyone is Platinum for this WOD.
The only scaling will be for the wallballs and pullups.
For the wallballs, men and women may scale to the 14lb ball and 10lb ball respectively. All wallballs must be thrown to the 10 foot mark for men and 8 foot mark for women.
If you cannot do chest to bar pullups, do regular pullups. If you cannot do regular pullups, do banded chest to bar pullups. If you cannot do banded chest to bar pullups, do regular banded pullups.
The goal of this WOD is to get reps. Scaling accordingly.
Platinum: 180 reps.
A little head to head competition with Fireman Dave. He edged me out by 1 rep! Good job, Dave. Glad to have you there to push me.
Rx’d – 230 reps.
I was determined on this one to beat JoeD’s score 🙂