The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/11/2013:
Olympic Lifting
Hang Snatch
4, 4, 4, 4
2 Rounds for reps:
Tabata Squats
followed by
Max Rep Muscle Ups in 4 Minutes
Rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds.
This WOD is a classic CrossFit test WOD. Before there was the CrossFit Games, the founmder, Greg Glassman, created different “tests” to gauge a CrossFitter’s overall fitness. Throughout November, we will be performing a few of these tests as regular WODs. According to CrossFit: “The Tabata Squat is a CrossFit classic testing both athletic hip function as well as aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The muscle-up is arguably the single best upper body exercise. This combination alone is suggestive of an athlete’s total fitness.”
Snatch: 75 lbs.
Round 1: 11 squats / 14 muscle-ups
Round 2: 12 squats / 15 muscle-ups
Snatch – 75 lbs
Round 1 – 12 squats/9 muscle-ups
Round 2 – 12 squats/10 muscle-ups
Got a PR during this WOD – 4 unbroken muscle-ups!
Snatch at 75, 95, 105, and 115
Round 1: 14 squats / 21 muscle ups
Round 2: 15 squats / 15 muscle ups
PR as well on my first round for 12 unbroken MUs
Awesome job Crim who got 23 MUs on the first round