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CrossFit WOD for 11/22/2013

By November 21, 20134 Comments

The CrossFit WOD for 11/22/2013:

Shoulder Press
3, 3, 3, 3

For Time:
5 Rope Climbs
50 Double Unders
50 Ski Jumpers
50 Burpees
50 Ski Jumpers
50 Double Unders
5 Rope Climbs

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This is going to be a high paced chipper.  Don’t like the rope climbs slow you down.  If you have never done rope climbs, you will not start on this day.  If you have climbed the rope before, and can do 2-3 without stopping, feel free to do them for this WOD.  This will be a good one to get your feet wet on the rope.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Strength: Everyone is Platinum. Lift heavy and keep good form.

    Platinum: As written above:

    For Time:
    3 Rope CLimbs
    40 Double Unders
    40 Ski Jumpers
    40 Burpees
    40 Ski Jumpers
    40 Double Unders
    3 Rope Climbs

    15 Pullup/Knees to Elbow (Pullups may be banded)
    30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders
    30 Ski Jumpers
    30 Burpees
    30 Ski Jumpers
    30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders
    15 Pullup/Knees to Elbow

    For TIme:
    10 Pullups/Knee to Elbows (Pullups may be banded)
    20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders
    20 Ski Jumpers
    20 Burpees
    20 Ski Jumpers
    20 Double Unders
    10 Pullups/Knee to Elbows (Pullups may be banded)

  • Jake says:

    155 lbs. – 3 rep strict press

    Didn’t feel my best today but did Platinum in 11:45

  • JoeD says:

    115 lbs. – 3 rep strict press

    Platinum WOD: 13:50. Got all 10 rope climbs even though I was looking for “Plan B” on the last set of 5 rope clims after finishing 50 burpees. Thanks Jake for pushing me!

    Jim: Impressive finish on the rope climbs at the end!

  • Crimlaw says:

    8:16 at Platinum.