The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/26/2013:
1, 1, 1, 1
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4 Rounds NOT for Time:
1 Deadlift at 90% of 1 Rep Max
Max Effort Handstand Pushups
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This WOD tests two fitness capacities: heavy lifting and bodyweight. The athlete who is more geared to lift heavy weight will pull a lot of his/her deadlift. The athlete who is better at moving his/her bodyweight will be able to achieve high reps on the handstand pushups. It is the athlete who is more generally prepared who will do well at both.
Strength: Everyone
Strength: Everyone is Platinum for this portion of the WOD.
Platinum: Handstands must be to the ground or a target level with the hands. Handstands may be kipping.
Deadlift at 80%
Handstands may be to an abmat raised higher than the hands.
Deadlift at 80%
Handstands may be to a raised target while inverted.
Deadlift at 75%
Handstands may be piked on a box.
Deadlift – got a PR with 375 lbs!
Platinum MetCon: 335 lb deadlift and 15, 10, 8, 8 for HSPUs
Deadlift – 315 lbs. Great job, Jake, with the new PR!
Shoulder issues kept me from doing HSPU’s. Thanks Tone WOD for the extra shoulder mobility work to help address the issue.