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CrossFit WOD for 11/26/2013

By November 25, 20134 Comments

The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/26/2013:


1, 1, 1, 1

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4 Rounds NOT for Time:
1 Deadlift at 90% of 1 Rep Max
Max Effort Handstand Pushups

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This WOD tests two fitness capacities:  heavy lifting and bodyweight.  The athlete who is more geared to lift heavy weight will pull a lot of his/her deadlift.  The athlete who is better at moving his/her bodyweight will be able to achieve high reps on the handstand pushups.  It is the athlete who is more generally prepared who will do well at both.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Strength: Everyone

  • Crimlaw says:


    Strength: Everyone is Platinum for this portion of the WOD.


    Platinum: Handstands must be to the ground or a target level with the hands. Handstands may be kipping.

    Deadlift at 80%
    Handstands may be to an abmat raised higher than the hands.

    Deadlift at 80%
    Handstands may be to a raised target while inverted.

    Deadlift at 75%
    Handstands may be piked on a box.

  • Jake says:

    Deadlift – got a PR with 375 lbs!

    Platinum MetCon: 335 lb deadlift and 15, 10, 8, 8 for HSPUs

  • JoeD says:

    Deadlift – 315 lbs. Great job, Jake, with the new PR!

    Shoulder issues kept me from doing HSPU’s. Thanks Tone WOD for the extra shoulder mobility work to help address the issue.