The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/6/2013:
As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes:
20 Ski Jumpers
20 Pullups
20 Pushpress (75/55)
Supplementary Strength
Box Squats: 65% 1RM
5, 5, 5
Post Rounds to Comments
In approaching this WOD, remember that the ski jumpers will tax the legs, the pullups will tax the shoulders, and push press should tax both. Be sure to use your legs to get the bar moving overhead. Also, this is a longer AMRAP. Be sure you set a pace at the beginning and try to stay consistent.
Platinum: As written above.
AMRAP 20 Min:
15 Ski Jumpers
15 Pullups
15 Pushpress (75/55)
AMRAP 20 Min:
15 Ski Jumpers
15 Pullup progression (banded)
15 Pushpress (65/45)
AMRAP 20 Min:
12 Ski Jumpers over a lower or empty bar
12 Ring Rows
12 Pushpress (45/33)
With some encouragement from Brian, I decided to go Rx/Platinum this morning.
Rx: 6 rounds even. I was just about to start the ski jumpers for Round 7 when time was called.
Did the 120 pull-ups strict or near strict (I don’t have kipping down yet).
Steel: 5 rounds plus 10
Believe I did 125lbs for the box squats