The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/7/2013:
Olympic Lifting
Dead Hang Snatch: 65% 1RM
5, 5, 5
2 Rounds for Time:
Run 500m
20 Squats at the top of the stairs
Walking Lunges to Platform (45/25 plate)
20 Pushups at Platform
Walking Lunges to Stairs (45/25 plate)
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The walking lunges do not have to be with a plate overhead. But, you must carry it during the lunges. No using dumbbells, you must carry a plate.
Platinum: As written above
2 Rounds for time:
Run 500m
20 Squats at the top of the stairs
Walking lunges to platform (35/15)
15 Pushups (may be on box)
Walking lunges to platform (35/15)
2 Rounds for Time:
Run 500m
15 Squats at the top of the stairs
Walking lunges to platform (25/10)
10 Pushup progression on a box
Walking lunges to platform (25/10)