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CrossFit WOD 12/13/2013

By December 12, 20132 Comments

The CrossFit WOD for 12/13/2013:


Ring Pushups



4 Attempts, not for time:

Max Effort Clean and Jerks

15 reps, tap and go

Post Weight to Comments

The goal of this WOD might be confusing.  For the clean and jerks, you will pick a starting weight.  You will then attempt 15 clean and jerk reps without stopping.  If you complete that set, increase the weight for your next attempt.  You have 4 attempts to find the max weight with which you are able to complete 15 reps unbroken.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Skill: if you struggle with ring Pushups, work in Pushups while holding full plank on a lower box or the ground.

    MetCon: everyone is in Platinum. Unless otherwise told, every rep must start and end by touching the ground. Once you pull the first rep off of the ground, the bar cannot stop moving. It cannot come to rest on the ground. You cannot rest with the bar on your back, in the front rack, in your hip, etc.

  • Jake says:

    15 Clean and Jerks – 65, 85, 95, 115lbs