The CrossFit WOD for 12/20/2013:
Weighted Pullups
3, 3, 3, 3
Row 500m
then . . .
3 Rounds for Time:
2 Stair Climbs
15 MedBall Cleans (20/14)
50 Double Unders
Post Weight and Time to Comments
The CrossFit WOD for 12/20/2013:
Weighted Pullups
3, 3, 3, 3
Row 500m
then . . .
3 Rounds for Time:
2 Stair Climbs
15 MedBall Cleans (20/14)
50 Double Unders
Post Weight and Time to Comments
Strength: Everyone is a Platinum. If you can’t do a free hanging pullup, work on a lighter band, or start working toward using a band.
Platinum: As written above.
For Time:
Row 500m
then . . .
3 Rounds for time:
2 Stair Climbs
10 Medball Cleans (20/14)
30 Double Under
For Time:
Row 500m
then . . .
2 Stair Climbs
7 Medball Cleans (20/14)
20 Double Unders or 75 Single Unders
For Time:
Row 500m
then . . .
3 Rounds for Time:
2 Stair Climbs
7 Medball Cleans (14/10)
20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders
Weighted Pull-Ups: 70lbs/2 pood
Platinum: 12:15
Great crew at 6am today!
Weighted Pull-Ups: 70 lbs/2 pood
Platinum: 12:25 (with 150 singles per round instead of 50 D-U’s)
Nice crowd at 6 am. Bar Muscle-Up work as part of cash-out.