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CrossFit WOD for 12/3/2013

By December 2, 2013One Comment

The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/3/2013:


Handstands/ Handstand Walks


3 Rounds:
2 Stair Climbs w/ medball  (20/14)
Max Rep Ring Dips

There is no time element to this WOD, but all 3 rounds must be completed in 8 Minutes.

Post Ring Dip Reps to Comments

This WOD is also about pacing.  There are no bonus points for completing it quickly.  So, take some time, rest between rounds and try to get a lot of ring dips.  However, the WOD will be capped at 8 minutes.  So, don’t take too long during your rests, or you will run out of time.

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Skill: No Scaling. Work on getting into an inverted handstand, moving away from the wall, or starting to take steps on your hands.


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds:
    2 Stair Climbs w/ medball (20/14)
    Max Effort Ring Dips (using a red or blue band)

    3 Rounds:
    2 Stair Climbs w/ med ball (20/14)
    Max Effort Hand Release Pushups

    3 Rounds:
    2 Stair Climbs w/ med ball (14/10)
    Max Effort Pushups