The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/6/2013:
2, 2, 2, 2
Death by Muscle Ups
One minute 1, do 1 Muscle Ups. On minute 2, do 2 Muscle Ups. On minute 3, do 3 Muscle Ups . . . and so on until you cannot complete the number of Muscle Ups corresponding with the minute.
Post the last Minute Where all Muscle Ups were Completed
Strength: Lift heavy with the deadlifts, but protect your back.
Platinum: As written above. When you cannot finish the number of Muscle Ups for the corresponding minute, you may continue with Chest-to-Bar pullups if there is room on the pullup bars until you fail.
Death by Banded Bar Muscle Ups. You may also move to regular chest to bar pullups once you fail.
Death by Chest to bar pullups. They may be banded.
Death by Pullups: They may be banded.
Deadlifts: 295 lbs. for 2 reps
Met Con: 6 rounds of Bar Muscle-Ups (no band) followed by rounds 7, 8, 9 and 10 of chest-to-bar pull-ups (again no band).
Great job to Jake and Brian for doing Muscle-Ups on the rings! Bummed that I couldn’t join you.
2 rep Deadlift – 385 lbs. (another PR!)
Got 4 full rounds of muscle-ups and failed on the 5th. Did CTB pull-ups for rounds 6, 7, and 8.
Deadlift – 315 x 2 (PR)
Muscle Ups – 8 complete rounds +4 reps on the 9th when my hand ripped.