Don’t forget, January CrossFit Fundamentals starts tomorrow, Tuesday, night at 6:00pm. Bring your friends and family to share your love of CrossFit. If you are interested in joining and have questions, let us know.
The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 1/6/2013:
Front Squat
3, 3, 3, 3
Max Reps in 10 minutes:
4 minutes max rep squats
3 minutes max rep pushups
2 minutes max rep pullups
1 minute max rep handstand pushups
This WOD is performed with a continuously running clock. You score is the max reps you achieve in 1o minutes. So, keep a running count total. This WOD takes some strategy for pacing. Going as fast and hard as you can in the beginning will result in burnout. But, as the time decreasing, you should be able to increase your intensity in order to maximize your reps over a short period of time.
Post Reps to Comments
Platinum: As written above. No progressions
As written above with progressions:
Max rep Squats
Max rep pushups – with a box
Max rep pullups – with a band, jumping, or ring rows
Max rep handstand pushups – to a raised target or piked.