The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/14/2014:
Shoulder Press
3, 3, 3, 3
For Time:
100 Back Squats (125/85)
You may rest the bar on your back as needed.
Every time you stop doing back squats and drop the bar, you must complete 15 situps before picking up the bar again.
All bars must be pulled from the ground. Do not bail an empty bar or a bar with metal plates.
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Strength: Everyone is Platinum for shoulder press. Make sure that lower body doesn’t move.
Platinum: As written above.
100 Back Squats for Time (115/75)
Do 15 Situps every time you drop the bar.
100 Back Squats for Time (95/65)
Do 15 Situps every time you drop the bar.
75 Back Squats for Time (75/55)
Do 10 Situps every time you drop the bar.
Steel: 8:30 with 2 sets of sit-ups (35-35-30)
Took it easy on the shoulder press.
Steel – 8:25 and 30 total sit-ups
Strict Press – 155 lbs