The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 9/12/2013:
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes:
10 GHD situps
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
25 Double Unders
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The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 9/12/2013:
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes:
10 GHD situps
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
25 Double Unders
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Scaling: If you have never done GHD’s in a workout before, or have not received the GHD tutorial during Open Gym, you may not do GHD’s during this WOD.
Platinum: As written above
AMRAP 12 Min:
7 GHD situps
5 Power Cleans (155-135/105-95)
25 Double Unders or 75 Single Unders
AMRAP 12 min:
5 GHD Situps or 20 abmat situps
5 Power Cleans (115/75)
20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders
AMRAP 12 min:
15 abmat situps
5 Power Cleans (95-75/65-55)
15 Double Unders or 45 Single Unders
Steel: at 135 lbs. cleans and 75 single unders.
6 rounds plus 31 (which included the 75 single unders and 7 GHD sit-ups. I counted the 75 S-U’s as D-U’s for the final rep # just so it made sense on the board. Otherwise, people would have been confused by “plus 82”).
Good job, Brian, on the WOD at 7 rounds at Steel. Enjoyed working on Bar muscle-ups after class too!
Steel with 145# & DU’s
4 rounds + 9
6 rounds plus 24 in 10 min at Steel and 155lbs.. I had to cut it short since the Steel City Run Club came in tonight.
8 rounds + 5 at Steel (105 lbs)