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CrossFit WOD, Yoga, and Boot Camp for 3/17/2015

Last week we announced Gymnastics Seminars returning to Industrial Athletics.  We will bring back an intermediate class to Wednesday nights at 6:30pm and an advanced class on Sunday mornings at 9am.  The intermediate class will concentrate on moving athletes from the kipping pullup to the bar muscle up and ring muscle up.  The advanced class will continue to work on handstands and handstand walks.  With Easter right around the corner, and a vacation for the instructor, the intermediate class will begin on April 15th and the advanced class will begin on April 19th.  The cost is $100 and each class lasts for 6 weeks.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 3/17/2015:

Wrist mobility while on all fours with fingers facing different directions
Roll Forearms with Barbells
High Rack holds with barbell

Max Rep Pullups in 5 Minutes
At the beginning of every minute, do 30 Double Unders
Rest 3 Minutes
Max Rep Hand Release Pushups in 5 Minutes
At the beginning of every minute, do 10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Post Pullups Reps and Pushups Reps to Comments

10:00am – Road Warrior Boot Camp with Vanessa Matthews

7:30pm – Yoga with Amanda 


Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    Max Rep Pullups in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 20 Double Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Rep Hand Release Pushups in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 7 Box Jumps (24/20)

    Max Rep Pullups in 5 Minutes (may be banded)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 20 Double Unders (attempts count) or 40 Single Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Pushups in 5 Minutes (may be from knees)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 7 Box Jumps (24/20)

    Max Rep Ring Rows in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 30 Single Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Rep Pushups in 5 Minutes (may be from knees with ab mat below chest)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 5 Box Jumps (20/short box)

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    Max Rep Pullups in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 20 Double Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Rep Hand Release Pushups in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 7 Box Jumps (24/20)

    Max Rep Pullups in 5 Minutes (may be banded)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 20 Double Unders (attempts count) or 40 Single Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Pushups in 5 Minutes (may be from knees)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 7 Box Jumps (24/20)

    Max Rep Ring Rows in 5 Minutes
    At the beginning of every minute, do 30 Single Unders
    Rest 3 Minutes
    Max Rep Pushups in 5 Minutes (may be from knees with ab mat below chest)
    At the beginning of every minute, do 5 Box Jumps (20/short box)

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 55/66

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 55/66

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum/Steel: 42 pull-ups (all strict) / 65 hand release push-ups at Rx scale.

    Did Steel for 1st half of WOD and got 20 D-U’s for rounds 1 -3. Had to do 40 S-U’s for the last 2 rounds. Did strict pull-ups for all rounds.

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum/Steel: 42 pull-ups (all strict) / 65 hand release push-ups at Rx scale.

    Did Steel for 1st half of WOD and got 20 D-U’s for rounds 1 -3. Had to do 40 S-U’s for the last 2 rounds. Did strict pull-ups for all rounds.