We are finishing the week with our monthly strength complex. Today’s complex is combination of cleans mixed with a front squat. This complex was also the strength portion of a competition a few years ago. We loved it then, so we are using it now. Do you best to catch the hang squat clean below parallel.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 7/10/2015:
Strength Complex:
Max Effort 1 Rep
Power Clean
Front Squat
Hang Squat Clean
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (155/105)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (115/75)
Push Jerk (115/75)
Back Squats (115/75)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
Post Weight, Rounds, and Reps to Comments
6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club
Platinum: As written above.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (95/65)
Push Jerk (95/65)
Back Squats (95/65)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (115-95/75-55)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (75/55)
Push Jerk (75/55)
Back Squats (75/55)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (75/55)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (55/35)
Push Jerk (55/35)
Back Squats (55/35)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
Platinum: As written above.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (95/65)
Push Jerk (95/65)
Back Squats (95/65)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (115-95/75-55)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (75/55)
Push Jerk (75/55)
Back Squats (75/55)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (75/55)
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
Rest 3 Minutes:
As Many Reps as Possible in 2 Minutes of Each:
Deadlifts (55/35)
Push Jerk (55/35)
Back Squats (55/35)
Note: Complete 2 minutes of deadlifts, then 2 minutes of push jerks, and so on.