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CrossFit WOD and Road Warrior for 2/26/2015

By February 25, 2015One Comment

The first CrossFit Open WOD will be released tonight on the CrossFit Games website at  We will be updating tomorrow’s WOD post quickly after it is announced.  If you tune into the CrossFit Games site at the time the WOD is announced, CrossFit has two top competitors go head-to-head on the workout.  It is really intense.  We will be hosting the Open WOD tomorrow.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/16/2015:

30 Lying Leg Raises
30 Hollow Lifts of the upper body
30 Full Body Hollow Raises
Between each set of 30, perform 12 Back Extensions on the GHD.

For Time:
20 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Toes to Bar
1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (25/15)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)
15 Situps
1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (25/15)
10 Thrusters
10 Toes to Bar

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10:00am – Road Warrior Boot Camp with Vanessa Matthews 

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    For Time:
    20 Thrusters (75/55)
    20 Toes to Bar
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (25/15)
    15 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)
    15 Situps
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (25/15)
    10 Thrusters
    10 Toes to Bar

    For Time:
    20 Thrusters (65/45)
    20 Hang L Leg Raises
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (15/10)
    15 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/8′)
    15 Situps
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (15/10)
    10 Thrusters
    10 Hanging L Leg Raises

    For Time:
    15 Thrusters (55/35)
    15 Lying Leg Raises
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (10/5)
    15 Wall Balls (14/10)(9’/8′)
    15 Situps
    1 Farmers Carry Stair Climb (10/5)
    7 Thrusters
    7 Lying Leg Raises