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CrossFit WOD, Boot Camp, and Yoga for 3/10/2015

It is time to start more Gymnastics Seminars at Industrial Athletics.  We took a few weeks off.  We will be placing a signup sheet on the main table.  The intermediate seminar will be offered again on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.  It will be another 6 week program designed to apply the skills used in mastering the kipping pullup to start working toward the muscle up.  Dedicated instruction can help each athlete receive more attention for specific body weight movements that may be needed to take it to the next level.  Along with muscle up work, the gymnastics seminars also improve body awareness.  We need 7-8 people before the seminar can start.  Make sure you sign up.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 3/10/2015:

Double Alternating Tabata:
Movement 1:  Sit ups
Movement 2:  Plank holds on elbows

3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min Rowing for Calories
1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (75/55)
1 Min KB Swings (1.5/1)
1 Min Rest

Post Total Reps to Comments

10:00am – Road Warrior Boot Camp with Vanessa

7:30pm – Yoga with Amanda 

Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (65/45)
    1 Min KB Swings (1.25/0.75)
    1 Min Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (55/35)
    1 Min KB Swings (1/0.5)
    1 Min Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (55/35)
    1 Min KB Swings (0.75/0.25)
    1 Min Rest

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (65/45)
    1 Min KB Swings (1.25/0.75)
    1 Min Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (55/35)
    1 Min KB Swings (1/0.5)
    1 Min Rest

    3 Rounds for Reps:
    1 Min Rowing for Calories
    1 Min Shoulder to Overhead (55/35)
    1 Min KB Swings (0.75/0.25)
    1 Min Rest

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 193 reps

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 193 reps

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum: 158 (52, 53 and 53). Looks like I’m to being “Mr. Consistency” with my reps per round!

    5:15 am Jim: Thanks for pushing me to do Platinum at 6:15 am!

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum: 158 (52, 53 and 53). Looks like I’m to being “Mr. Consistency” with my reps per round!

    5:15 am Jim: Thanks for pushing me to do Platinum at 6:15 am!

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum: 158 (52, 53 and 53). Looks like I’m to being “Mr. Consistency” with my reps per round!

    5:15 am Jim: Thanks for pushing me to do Platinum at 6:15 am!