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CrossFit WOD for 10/28/2013

By October 27, 20134 Comments

The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/28/2013:

5 Rounds for Time:

5 Clean and Jerk at Bodyweight
5 Muscle Ups

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We have been working on the parts of the Clean and Jerk all month of October.  This weight should be fairly heavy, but doable.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: Muscle Ups must be on Rings.

    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Clean and Jerk at 3/4 Bodyweight
    3 Muscle Ups – should be on rings, may be on bar or 6 Chest to Bar Pullups

    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Clean and Jerk at 1/2 Bodyweight
    5 Chest to Bar Pullups – may be Banded

    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Clean and Jerk at less then 1/2 Bodyweight
    5 Pullups – may be banded or Ring Rows

  • JoeD says:

    Steel: 11:49

    Did all sets of muscle-ups (3 reps each round) unbroken. Happy with that accomplishment.

    Clean & Jerks at 115 lbs. I weigh 158 lbs. so this was my 3/4 of body weight.

  • moneypenny says:

    Hmmmm, I can’t remember my time but I ended up doing 113lbs (body weight) cleans (no jerks, got a hurt shoulder) and 3 bar muscle-ups each round

    Welcome Ozzie and Toby!!!

    And congrats JP on your first muscle-up!!!

  • Rafa says:

    Steel – 6:29
    Did 125 lbs. on the clean and jerks (I weight 154 lbs) and ring muscle-ups (3 per round).