Don’t forget that we will be celebrating 2 years in business this Saturday, March 28th. The WOD will be “The Fundamentals” (here is the WOD from the last time we did it). We will start around 9am. Heats will run until everyone has completed the workout. Then we will fire up the grill and start cooking. The gym will provide burgers, hotdogs, and some beer. For those who have not attended a cookout at Industrial Athletics, these are community pot-lucks. We ask that people bring their favorite food or drink to share with everyone.
If you plan to attend, please sign up on the main table and write down what you plan to bring. We ask that you sign up for organizational reasons, and also to make sure we don’t end up with 5 bags of tortilla chips (even though that would be heaven for James Bond).
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 3/23/2015:
Push Press
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes:
5 Push Press @ 65% of your 1 rep max
On Minute 13 – Max Effort Pullups in 1 minute
Post Weight and Pullup Reps to Comments
Platinum: Because this WOD is based on percentages, everyone is Platinum.
Platinum: Because this WOD is based on percentages, everyone is Platinum.
Push Press: 140 lbs. (1 rep)
Platinum: All rounds at 95 lbs. Round 13: 25 strict pull-ups.
Push Press: 140 lbs. (1 rep)
Platinum: All rounds at 95 lbs. Round 13: 25 strict pull-ups.
Push Press PR – 215 lbs
EMOM @ 140 lbs and 33 pull-ups
Push Press PR – 215 lbs
EMOM @ 140 lbs and 33 pull-ups