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CrossFit WOD for 5/18/2015

Memorial Day is in one week.  We will be programming “Murph” for that morning and have a community WOD at 9:30am.  This will be the only WOD time for this day.  Because of the low complexity and skill involved in Murph, you may bring friends and family to participate.  We will be hosting Murph rain or shine.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 5/18/2015:

Overhead Squats
3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Alternating Death by:
Movement 1: Deadlifts (275/185)
Movement 2:  2x Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)

For Example:
Minute 1:  1 Deadlift
Minute 2: 4 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 3 Deadlifts
Minute 4: 8 Wall Balls
etc. until you cannot complete the requires reps in any given minute.

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