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CrossFit WOD for 5/21/2015

Today we are throwing it back to another classic CrossFit Benchmark WOD.  “Helen” will test your cardiovascular capacity, as well as your ability to move moderate weight and your bodyweight.  This is a great WOD combining a metabolic run, a weighted lift, and a gymnastics pull.  Programmed once before on 8/6/2014, make sure you check your progress over the last “almost” year:

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 5/21/2015:

Mobility for Olympic Lifting

3 Rounds for Time:
500m Run
21 KB Swings (1.5/1)
12 Pullups

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  • Crimlaw says:

    Platinum: As written above

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    21 KB Swings (1/0.75)
    12 Pullups

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    15 KB Swings (0.75/0.5)
    9 Pullups (maybe assisted)

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Road Sprint
    15 KB Swings (0.5/0.25)
    9 Ring Rows

  • Crimlaw says:

    Platinum: As written above

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    21 KB Swings (1/0.75)
    12 Pullups

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    15 KB Swings (0.75/0.5)
    9 Pullups (maybe assisted)

    3 Rounds for Time:
    Road Sprint
    15 KB Swings (0.5/0.25)
    9 Ring Rows