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CrossFit WOD for 6/14/2013

4 Rounds for Time:

7 Muscle Ups
500m Run

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As prescribed

    4 rounds
    3-5 Muscle Ups
    Run 500m

    3 Rounds
    21 pullups
    21 dips
    Run 500m

    3 Rounds
    9-15 pullups
    9-15 dips
    Run 500m

    You may break up the pullups and dips any way you choose, i.e. alternating rep for rep, 3 pullups/3 dips, all pullups/all dips, etc.

  • JoeD says:

    Great group at 6 am today! Awesome performance by all, but special congrats to JP and Jake who are making blazing fast progress with their muscle-ups!

    Scaled to Steel this morning and did 5 muscle-ups for each round and unbroken for rounds 2, 3 & 4. Total M-U’s of 20 with a total time of 17:59.

    FYI – This is the first time I succeeded in stringing together 5 muscle-ups unbroken in over 2 years.

    • Jake says:

      Thanks Joe! I appreciate all the encouragement and advice. Congrats on stringing 5 together again!

      Did Steel today doing 5 jumping muscle-ups per round for a time of 13:19. Really feeling it in the shoulders now. TGIF.