Today’s WOD allows us to lift a heavy load over a longer period of time. Generally, we see workouts where the reps decrease later in the workout. The idea is that as the workout gets harder, reducing the reps allows the athlete to maintain a certain level of intensity. However, “death by” WODs start low and increase as the workout progresses. This allows the athlete to lift a heavier weight or move a little faster as the workout slowly gets more difficult. Keep in mind, this WOD should last between 10 and 15 minutes.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 6/23/2015:
Lying Banded Leg Stretches (hold 30 sec per position)
Lying Plate Groin Stretch (hold each side for 90 sec)
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (275/185)
Even Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Platinum: As written above.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (225/135)
Even Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (185-155/125-105)
Even Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (135-95/95-65)
Even Minutes: Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Platinum: As written above.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (225/135)
Even Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (185-155/125-105)
Even Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.
Death by:
Odd Minutes: Deadlift (135-95/95-65)
Even Minutes: Burpees
Score= last minute fully completed.