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CrossFit WOD for 6/5/2013

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes

3 Wall Walks
10 Wall Balls
30 Wall Touches

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  • crimlaw says:


    Platinum: wall walks, 20lb/14lb Wallballs hitting a 10ft/8ft mark, wall touches at 9in above standing reach

    Steel: 3 HSPU’s, 10 Wallballs (20lb/14lb hitting 10ft/8ft mark), 30 wall touches at 9in above standing reach

    Brass: 3 bridged HSPU’s on a box, 8 Wallballs (choose appropriate weight for wallball to hit 10ft/8ft mark), 24 wall touches at 6in.

    Bronze: 3 push-ups with feet or knees on short boxes, 8 Wallballs (choose appropriate weight), 20 wall touches at 4-6in.

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 6 rounds and 3 reps really tore up the shoulders today!

  • Steph says:

    Jake got me by 3 reps on this wod! 6 rounds even rx’d.

    this was def a shoulder burner, but a fun wod. prepare to have your hands above your head the entire workout.

    AND Jake got his FIRST and second muscle up today! WOOOO!

  • Kells Bells says:

    My first introduction to Wall Walking. Hmmm not sure we are friends yet. But I LOVED this WOD.

    5 rounds + 1 WW
    Was completely smoked after. Cashout: Steph gave a great lesson on muscle up progression.

  • Steph says:

    Thanks Kel!